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Ex Villaggio del Fanciullo

Pio e Tito toso - Studio di Architettura e design a Treviso


Silvi Marina

Concorso Internazionale - Tercas 1° (classificato)

The project is located in a fascinating part of the Italian coast, the Abruzzo sea. At the centre of this is a colony from the 1920s, leaning against an old church, a building that emerges in the relatively young context of Silvi Marina. Further north, a sand dune protects small buildings from the waves. The intervention to be carried out consists of two poles: the “former children’s village” (building “A”), which is intended to be a multi-purpose block, and the newly built centre including conference hall, hall, tourist information office and the block of the colony. The project of the multipurpose block takes over the tripartition of the existing building, which is well suited to contain the various functions here established, the west facade will be restored, Maintaining the arches and the colonnaded balcony, while the east, more degraded, will be redone. They will position large windows to allow both the entry of light and the best view of the landscape.

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