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Riqualificazione del Parco Fluviale

Pio e Tito toso - Studio di Architettura e design a Treviso



Bando di Corso nazionale (primo premio)

The intervention area has a negative aspect given by the presence of the Provincial Road 43, which crosses the country reducing it to a transit zone. In contrast to this, the river environment maintains intact the natural features, which the project intends to re-evaluate. The design choice is then developed on these contrasts, closing of the perspectives towards the road side, and opening to the river, respecting a south orientation (river) – north (road), which involves the use of defined formal languages and resulting distributive and architectural functionalities in buildings. The project involves paths that cross the intervention area in a longitudinal direction, which aim to reconnect the environmental system on the river, with the rear part of the country and transversal, joining the new buildings to the pre-existing ones. The restoration and construction of the River Park is fundamental, returning the area to the enjoyment of citizens, in order to rediscover its origins and spread its values to future visitors.

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